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Gluten Free Analysis of Cosmetics

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  • Gluten Free Analysis of Cosmetics

Gluten is a group of proteins found in particular grains such as wheat, barley and rye.

Gluten-containing oils used in cosmetics cause gluten in the product. These oils are derived from grains such as wheat, barley and oats.

Today, products such as shampoo, conditioner, lipstick and toothpaste are produced as gluten-free cosmetics.

Celiac patients or those with gluten intolerance should definitely read the ingredients before buying cosmetic products and prefer gluten-free cosmetic products.

Celiac patients should avoid cosmetic products containing the following names. The content of these products means that they contain gluten.

  • Wheat (Triticum Vulgare -Wheat), Barley (Barley - Hordeum Vulgare), Oat (Oat - Avena sativa), Rye (Rye - Secale Cereal)
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