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Microbial Quality of Water Used in Cosmetics

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  • Microbial Quality of Water Used in Cosmetics

One of the most important components used in cosmetics is water. The guideline on microbiological control of cosmetic products also mentions the necessity of continuous testing of water for microorganism growth as it is one of the most commonly used cosmetic product components.

The water used in cosmetics must be low so as not to affect the microbiological quality of the product. In this sense, the water used in cosmetics is expected to be at least drinking water quality. In this sense, the limit value in packaged waters is 200 CFU / ml for total bacteria 37 ° C.

In American Pharmacopoeia (USP) and other related pharmacopoeias, the total number of bacteria for pure water used in pharmaceutical products should not exceed 100 cfu / ml. Recently, cosmetic products are required to meet production criteria similar to pharmaceuticals. Filtration for water used in production, UV and so on. These limit values ​​can be provided with the requirements.

Due to both GMP criteria and other production hygiene requirements, water must not contain pathogenic bacteria. Particularly undesirable pathogens are Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Total coliform bacteria.

The lower the microbial load of the water used, the lower the microbial load of the product. The microbiological quality of water used for shampoos, lotions, creams and other water-containing products is of great importance. If the maximum limit value for the water used in such products is 100 or 200 CFU / ml and the limit values ​​for the water are provided, the microbial quality of the produced cosmetic product will be increased.

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