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Microbiological Risks in Water Dispensers Used in Public Areas

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  • Microbiological Risks in Water Dispensers Used in Public Areas

The use of dispensers increases considerably in the summer months. In particular, it poses a greater risk due to the high number of people using common use, such as workplaces, schools and public fountains.

The cleaning of these dispensers is of great importance. Water waiting for a long time in the dispensers creates a biofilm layer and as a result, results that may affect human health may occur.

Microbiological pollution may occur in the waters of the dispensers. One of the reasons for this pollution is that the used carboys are not cleaned properly before they are placed in the dispensers.

At the same time, those who use the dispenser may contact the tap parts of the dispenser with their hands and cause pollution in the dispenser.

In accordance with the "Regulation on Water Intended for Human Consumption", the presence of Escherichia coli, total coliform bacteria and Enterococcus bacteria should be examined in waters. These bacteria should not be present in the waters.

If the cleaning of the dispenser is not carried out effectively, these pathogenic microorganisms, which should not be in the water, can reproduce and cause infection in people who consume the water. For this reason, disinfection of dispensers should be carried out regularly.

In addition, the microbiological suitability of the water used should be checked periodically.

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