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Personnel Hygiene for Food Safety

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  • Personnel Hygiene for Food Safety

Hygiene is defined as any application and cleaning process that is done to protect the environment from harm to health. We learned how to wash hands before eating and brushing teeth after dinner from our parents at a younger age. Personnel hygiene is extremely important, especially in mass consumption enterprises.

Personnel working in food production areas should pay attention to the following issues for food safety.

At the start of work, personnel must enter the dressing room through the entrance door.

If possible, 2 separate locker cabinets should be provided, and civil and work clothes should be kept separately.

Clean work clothes at the top of the cupboards should be worn (clean uniforms, caps and slippers). Civilian clothes and shoes should be placed in the closet. Shoes should be bagged.

When coming to the production department, watches, rings, bracelets, necklace earrings and so on. No jewelery and accessories should be available.

The nails should be clean and short. There should be no nail polish, polish, etc. on the hands.

Hair should not be entered in the open production area, hair completely covering the cap should be used.

Daily beard shaving should be done.

Care should be taken for oral hygiene and teeth should be brushed at least twice a day.

Body cleaning should be given importance, shower should be taken at least once a day.

Wash hands according to the instructions for hand washing.

Hands should be washed with paper towels after washing, hands should never be wiped on clothes and aprons.

If they have a wound cut, they should be insulated with waterproof tape. Gloves must be worn.

The feet must be wiped with a disinfectant mat before entering the production area.

Bone, mask, gloves, cap, shoe covers etc. hygiene aid tools should be used.

Do not sit on bench and table.

The taste of the dish should not be controlled with dirty forks, spoons and ladles. Food should not be tasted with fingers.

Any health problems should be reported to the authority.

If upper respiratory tract infection is detected, mask should be used during the study.

The ear, nose, mouth and hair should not be touched while working.

They shouldn't be coughing on food.

During sneezing, coughing and stretching, the mouth should be closed (with a handkerchief if possible) and then the hands should be washed.

No smoking, eating and drinking should be done in the production department.

It should be given importance for toilet cleaning and personnel toilets should be kept clean.


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