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Salmonella Analysis in Hazelnut

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  • Salmonella Analysis in Hazelnut

The relative humidity in the environment where hazelnuts are stored is the most important factor affecting the spoilage of hazelnuts. Since hazelnuts stored in bulk can remain airless, appropriate temperature and relative humidity may occur in certain areas for mold growth.

Microbial load in hazelnut is of great importance for the export of hazelnuts. In this sense, one of the most important microorganisms that should not be found in hazel as a pathogen is Salmonella spp.

In terms of Salmonella, especially hazelnuts that are dried in the open are at risk. In order to minimize the microbiological risk, contact with soil should be prevented during harvest and threshing, contamination from surfaces should be prevented. In this sense, the storage temperature of hazelnuts should be between 5-10 degrees and the relative humidity of the storage should be between 50-60%.

Salmonella spp., Which is one of the most requested analyzes in hazelnuts sent abroad. "Saniter Laboratory" has been serving as an approved laboratory for exported hazelnuts for more than 25 years.

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