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Will Covid-19 Infect in the Pool?

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  • Will Covid-19 Infect in the Pool?

One of the most important issues related to sea tourism after the coming of summer and the end of the bans is whether there is a risk of COVID-19 contamination from pool water.

As it is known, "Ministry of Health Healthy Tourism Certification Program" has been published. In this context, the criteria to be applied in pools and beaches have been determined.

The first of these criteria is keeping chlorine level in pool water between "1-3 ppm" in open pools and between "1 and 1.5 ppm" in closed pools. Records about this should be taken regularly.

In addition, cleaning and disinfection activities envisaged for toilets, showers and changing cabins around the pool and beach will be recorded. Additional actions will be taken when necessary, based on the verification of the cleaning records carried out around the pool and beach.

Researches show that the disinfectant substances used, especially chlorine, in the pools neutralize the virus.

"US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)" stated that there is no evidence that the virus is transmitted from environments such as pools, spas, and baths.

Authorities will be able to take the necessary precautions and open the pools for use after performing the necessary maintenance and performing the related analyzes for the pools that are closed for a long time.

There will be no problem in using the pools by following the social distance rules and paying attention to personal hygiene. However, it should not be forgotten that the risk of transmission of the virus to the people entering the pool is not caused by the pool water, but by the particles scattered around by infected people coughing or sneezing. For this reason, the rules of “social distance” and “personal hygiene” must be observed in pool usage.


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